Housing is a critical area of concern in the Midcoast as well as across Maine. MCOG is focused on developing a deeper understanding of the regional housing market in our region as well as assisting and building the capacity of housing trusts in the region, such as Midcoast Regional Housing Trust or the Boothbay Region Housing Trust.
MCOG's Strategic Plan identifies a regional program that addresses the short term and long-term housing shortage in the MCOG region by:
Focusing on the development of public and private partnerships to meet workforce housing need.
Establishing a regional working group to study and advocate for housing in the MCOG region.
Conducting an analysis of housing need across the housing, income and age continuum and provide a regional definition for affordable, workforce, and attainable housing.
Collaborating with area employers to identify employment needs by job type, income, and locational preference, providing an additional understanding of supply needs by housing type.
Identifying and working with communities to address the conflicts between growth and non-growth area borders and the land use barriers that restrict development of workforce and affordable housing in the MCOG region
Identifying funding sources and developing creative mechanisms to assist communities and development partners.
Developing regional and local strategies for the management of accessory and short-term rental units.
Collaborating with appropriate partners to help coordinate regional housing strategies for older adults, unhoused populations, and supportive housing.
Housing questions can be directed to Mathew Eddy, meddy@midcoastcog.com.
Housing Data
Housing Gaps Analysis
This story map shows the calculation of the number of units needed to fill the current shortage and the number of units needed to account for growth by 2030. This study is based off the State of Maine Housing Production Needs Study.
Housing Opportunity Program
Maine's Housing Opportunity Program is a state-funded initiative designed to create more housing, especially for low- and moderate-income individuals and families. The program offers down payment and closing cost assistance, as well as low-interest rate mortgages and education on homeownership responsibilities. The goal of the program is to make homeownership more accessible and sustainable for Maine residents, particularly in rural areas.
The Housing Opportunity Program:
Provides technical assistance to municipalities to support housing development, including support with municipal ordinance development to comply with LD 2003;
Provides funding to service providers and municipalities to support municipal ordinance development, planning board and public processes in communities to increase housing opportunities;
Provides information to the public about housing development and opportunities; and
Establishes statewide housing production goals.
Find out more information on the State's website here.
Housing Opportunity Program Grants
The Housing Opportunity Program has grant funding available to financially assist service providers and municipalities with municipal ordinance development, community housing planning services, and community housing implementation services.
This grant program recently released rule. The Department Economic and Community Development will soon solicit applications for grants through the competitive application process.
Rule: 19-100 C.M.R. ch. 4, Rule Regarding Housing Opportunity Program Grants (Word)
Summary of Comments and Responses
MCOG's Housing Opportunity Program
MCOG has received a Housing Opportunity Program grant to fund both data collection and convening of working groups in the MCOG region. See below for more information.
Data Collection
Housing Supply. An analysis of housing supply has been completed for our 3 subregions and for the MCOG region as a whole (including Lincoln County). That analysis can be found here.
Housing Demand. A baseline of demand by demographics has been completed and can be found here.
Housing Needs Assessment. The needs assessment culminated in is a Housing GAP analysis that, as a planning document, is also linked to MCOG’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy that we are completing for our EDA designated economic development district. The report can be found here: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/b5d4d0c93a6a46818265251ac3bf9ff3 .
Qualitative Housing Needs Assessments. Structured interviews have been conducted for 29 of our proposed 35 employers in the MCOG region.
Working Groups​
Subregional Working Groups and Forums have all been established. The Fiver Rivers Group (Brunswick, Harpswell and Sagadahoc County), the Knox County group, and the Waldo County group have met multiple times.
Input gathered at the subregional forums. Input from the subregional housing forums, which have been meeting on roughly a monthly basis (with the exception of Waldo) have produced requests for more defined information by subregion and a focus on particular housing strategies (as anticipated in the scope of work). Data and outcomes from those forums can be found below:
Housing Guidance Materials​
LD 2003
What does this mean for your community?
The requirements outlined in LD 2003 took effect July 1, 2024. This means the standards under §4364-A, §4364-B, and §4364-C dictate standards for applicable housing standards. If your municipality has not updated your local ordinance to reflect these amendments, it is highly recommended to begin the process to start the updates.
In short, the legislation requires:
Accessory Dwelling Units to be permitted wherever a single-family home is permitted. ADUs are not held to parking nor minimum lot size requirements unless located in the Shoreland Zone. The ADU must have access to sufficient potable water and subsurface wastewater disposal.
2. Districts that allow single-family dwelling units must permit up to four residential housing units each applicable parcel as long as the minimum lot size per unit is met along with access to a potable water source and subsurface wastewater system.
3. Affordable housing developments must be permitted in parts of town that permit multi-family housing projects and are located in a town-designated growth area, as determined by the most recent Comprehensive Plan approved in the town. Affordable housing developments may allow 2.5 units per minimum lot size, provide 2 parking spaces for every 3 units, and must demonstrate the units being for persons making a certain level of income for the next 30 years as recorded in the county's registry of deeds.
We are here to help! Reach out to Max Johnstone on our planning team to discuss how to make sure you your ordinances are in alignment with State law at mjohnstone@midcoastcog.com.
Housing Resources
Housing Trusts in Maine (coming soon)
Zoning Changes to Make Your Community Housing-Friendly (coming soon)
Accessory Dwelling Units & Guidance (coming soon)
Call or email us so we can discuss with you how we can provide these services.