Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
As part of MCOG's Strategic Plan, the region must update the Midcoast Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Plan (required by the Federal Economic Development Administration; EDA). The CEDS process, necessary for key projects to be eligible for federal funding, will identify a broad array of infrastructure needs to meet the vision, goals, and guiding principles for economic investment in the Midcoast region.
CEDS is an opportunity to set goals and objectives together as a region – and to accomplish more together than we can apart. It is important as a way to leverage each other’s efforts. It also is a way to help attract federal grant funds by identifying high priority investments needed for the region.
The CEDS is intended as a 5-year plan, with annual updates. The last 5-year plan was completed in 2021 and is available for download here. MCOG staff are working on its final annual update. The process for developing a new 5-year plan is now underway.
Staff contact: Max Johnstone,