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Midcoast Council of Governments (MCOG) is a nonprofit, municipally-driven regional planning and economic development district encompassing 66 communities in the Midcoast region. We receive funding from the local municipalities (dues), state, and federal governments to assist communities with their planning and economic development needs. MCOG evolved out of Midcoast regional planning commission, MCEDD, and the Bath-Brunswick-Topsham  Development Corporation serving Midcoast Maine since the 1990s. 


What is a Council of Governments?


Enabled through State stautates to provide regional assistance to muncipalities and partners. MCOG is a voluntary association of municipal and county governments formed "by vote of their municipal officers" for the purpose of: 

Promoting cooperative efforts toward regional development;

Preparing and maintaining a comprehensive regional plan;  

Coordinating with state and federal planning, grant, and development programs; 

Providing planning assistance and advisory services to municipalities; and 

Providing programs and services to municipalities. [30-A §2321]



Our Mission

The mission of MCOG is to strengthen the capability of member municipalities and counties to act individually and collectively to make Midcoast Maine a better place to live, work, and play.



This involves: 

- Developing and implementing a regional economic development strategy;

- Identifying, developing, and implementing regional strategies for other pressing issues and opportunities;

- Mobilizing resources in the region, including member municipalities and counties, business and economic development organizations, environmental and conservation nonprofits, schools and research

laboratories, and others, to implement regional strategies;

- Providing technical assistance to ​municipalities and counties to effectively design and implement planning and development policies;

- Advocating at the state level for policies and funding that support regional and local planning and development strategies; and

- Exercising other such powers as member municipalities and counties may delegate. ​

Our Region

MCOG Region_edited.jpg

Our Governance

MCOG is governed by a General Assembly and Board of Directors selected from the General Assembly


General Assembly: meets two times per year and is the primary policy making body of the Council. It is comprised of two Official Representatives (one elected, one appointed) from each of the member municipalities and counties. 

The General Assembly elects officers and representatives to the Board of Directors, adopts the annual MCOG budget and the dues assessment for all full members, adopts and amends MCOG Bylaws, and establishes policy guidelines for the Board of Directors.


Board of Directors: meets monthly/bimonthly and as needed and is the policy implementing body of MCOG. Directors are appointed by the General Assembly and must be members of the General Assembly.


Nicole Briand, Town Manager - Bowdoinham  

Audra Caler (Vice Chair), Town Manager - Camden

Sally Costello, Economic Development Director - Brunswick

Andrew Dorr, Town Manager - Damariscotta

Jonathan Duke, Town Manager - Rockport

Charlie Grover, Thomaston

Andrew Hart, County Administrator - Knox County

Julie Hashem, Community Development Director - Rockland

Betty Johnson (Secretary), County Commissioner - Waldo County

Amber Jones, County Administrator - Sagadahoc County

Jeffrey Jordan (Treasurer), CFO - Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority

Mark Meyers (Chair), City Manager - Bath

Derek Scrapchansky, Town Manager - Topsham


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